Dr. Ali Etem Gürel

Dr. Ali Etem Gürel

Visiting Scientist
Thermal Engineering Division


Dr. Gürel received his associate professor degree in 2018. He has been working at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Düzce University, Faculty of Engineering since 2018. He is currently the Director of the Düzce University Clean Energy Sources Application and Research Center. His current research deals with solar thermal energy systems, photovoltaic thermal systems, energy storage, refrigeration systems, heat pumps, energy analysis of thermal systems, nanofluids and drying systems. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed international journals. Dr. Gürel has edited 1 book on solar energy systems and their application, and he is a founding member, and a current member of the organizing committee, for the International Conference series on the International Engineering Research Symposium. He is an Associate Editor of Applied Solar Energy and Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E.